Crystal Foods

What Makes Us Different

We always give the best to our customers

Each one of our customer is special to us, and we are bound to give them the best products & services. We take special care of them.

Customers Value Our Product Because

Chemical Free

Nowadays, it is ubiquitous that manufacturers use unhealthy chemicals to increase the shelflife and taste of the food items. To that, we don’t recommend and intend to do. Our product is free of unhealthy chemicals/softeners and preservatives..

We keep it fresh

We have a daily production cycle that we have tuned to deliver our orders within twenty-four hours in a first-in, first-out method, which enables us to keep the production and supply in twelve hours cycle. This delivery cycle help us supply fresh

It is Safe

We are very much concerned about our customer’s health. We take mataining hygine very seriously. We follow the best practices in maintaining personal hygiene, cleaning the production materials, maintaining the machines, housekeeping, and cleaning and disinfecting the productions unit.

Yes, we care about the resources and try to minimize the wastage but never recycle, be it the oil and the dough, which is a common practice.

We very well know that is an unhealthy practice

we are bound to keep our customers healthy.

Our Service Parameters


The customer first – We are a customer-centric organization. We thrive through our happy and satisfied customers

Delivery – We keep our delivery fast and fresh. Your order will be delivered within 24 hours. For the regular customers, we keep the window even shorter.

Reachability – We are up to date and equipped with technology. You can reach us through various channels, and also we receive the orders through WhatsApp. Even on a call miss

Reliability – On-time delivery with the same quality level today or tomorrow

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